Street Art goes digital with Filedgr SmartNFTs!

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house with graffiti

Filedgr has partnered with I Love Graffiti to embark on an innovative project that preserves ephemeral street art in the digital realm. Street art is of valued importance as it serves as a form of cultural expression, engages the public, and promotes accessibility and inclusivity in the art world. Recognizing the fleeting nature of street art, the collaboration aims to immortalize these creations as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), ensuring their longevity in the art world.

Currently, street art as well as content regarding the artist and inspiration of the artwork are being digitized for the Le Mur Luxembourg initiative. The project invites local artists to paint murals on a designated wall every couple of months. Each artist is given the opportunity to reinvent the wall and leave their own unique mark. In addition to capturing artwork in the digital realm, the NFTs will be auctioned off, with the proceeds benefiting a charitable cause chosen by the artist.
Stay tuned, as we will soon give more details about our plans, the artists, transparency in charity and much more.

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