Let’s Reimagine the Future of Business Transparency Together.

Trust Partners

Feature integrations

Transparency for a more secure and faster data management

With the help of blockchain technology, we enable companies to make their sustainable initiatives transparent and secure, creating integrity for everyone.

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Real time analytics

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Advanced tracking

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Data transparency

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Usable data

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Product lifecycle

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Real time analytics

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Advanced tracking

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Data transparency

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Usable data

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Product lifecycle

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Real time analytics

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Advanced tracking

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Data transparency

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Usable data

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Product lifecycle

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Digital twin

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Digital certificates

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Digital DataHub

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User collaboration

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Digital twin

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Digital certificates

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Digital DataHub

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User collaboration

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Digital twin

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Digital certificates

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Digital DataHub

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User collaboration

It’s a Win-Win Situation for Everyone

Businesses benefit from improved credibility and operational efficiency, while consumers gain greater confidence in data authenticity and reliability of products.

Data management and product transparency do not just end at the manufacturing process either. Filedgr’s application extends through customer ownership as well, capturing and adding value to the entire lifecycle of products.

We Tackle the Issue of Greenwashing in Marketing Head-on

Filedgr’s cutting-edge technology offers unparalleled transparency, where businesses have nothing to hide and everything to gain. Versatile and robust, our platform is the choice for integrity-driven companies

Filedgr is NOT Just Another Blockchain Platform

We are a movement towards total business transparency, redefining industry standards and expectations

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