How to use NFTs for business?

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benefits of using nfts for your business

NFTs and Their Role in Digital Marketing

The foundation of every customer relationship is trust. We buy products because we trust the brands that sell them to us. Companies promise us quality, sustainability, and ethical standards—but how often do we actually have proof of that? And how can companies ensure that their promises are credible?

Companies face the challenge of not only pursuing sustainable practices but also clearly and effectively communicating these practices to their customers. Is it enough to show certificates and labels, or is there a need for deeper, immutable documentation that can be verified at any time? And how can all of this be integrated into user-friendly marketing communication that both builds trust and excites customers?

This is where NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) come into play. NFTs offer a new way not only to make promises but also to transparently and verifiably back them up, thereby strengthening the trust in relationships between companies and customers.

What Exactly Are NFTs?

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital certificates that verify the ownership and authenticity of a digital or physical object on the blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which are interchangeable (fungible tokens), NFTs are unique and non-interchangeable. They are used to clearly establish ownership of artworks, music, videos, virtual real estate, and even physical products. Each NFT contains specific information that makes it possible to trace the origin and history of the associated object.

Today’s customers expect more than just a product—they demand proof of its authenticity and the ethical standards by which it was produced. Whether it’s an exclusive collection, a sustainable product, or a limited edition, the question remains: “Can I really be sure that what I’m buying is what was promised?” These uncertainties affect not only end consumers in the B2C market but also companies in the B2B sector that need to ensure transparency and trustworthiness with their own customers and partners.

Trust Issues

Imagine every product you buy or sell is equipped with a digital certificate that confirms its authenticity. This certificate, in the form of an NFT, contains all relevant information—from the origin of the materials to the production conditions to the entire supply chain. Companies can thus assure their customers that the product is truly authentic.

But What About My Data?

Another important aspect of NFTs is data ownership. As the world becomes more digital, the fear grows that personal data is increasingly falling out of the control of its rightful owners. Every time we use an app, shop online, or subscribe to a new service, we leave behind digital footprints that companies collect and use. This feeling of loss of control has led to a significant loss of trust. Customers wonder what is happening to their data, who has access to it, and how secure this information really is.

With NFTs, customers retain full control over their data. Truly!

Take, for example, a company that sells sustainable fashion. A customer buys a coat that is linked to an NFT. This NFT contains detailed information about the materials used to make the coat, the working conditions in the factories, and the carbon footprint of the entire production process. The customer has access to this information at any time and is the sole owner of this digital certificate.

What are the benefits of NFT in business?

Examples of NFT use cases for industries

By directly linking NFTs to products, companies gain valuable insights into their customers’ behavior. Imagine the fashion company discovers that its eco-conscious customers frequently access the information about the carbon footprint of their products. The company could then create personalized offers tailored specifically to this target group—such as special discounts on products with particularly low carbon footprints or additional information about sustainable practices. The customer, in turn, whose coat is linked to the NFT, not only receives information about the manufacturing process, the materials used, and the carbon footprint but also sees the NFT continuously updated as they use the product and interact with the company.

Through our digital storage network, we’ve enabled companies to build a direct connection with their customers while collecting and managing valuable data in a secure and transparent environment.

How Does This Work in Practice?

  1. Data Linking via the Filedgr App: After purchasing the coat, the customer can use the Filedgr app to manage their NFT. The app serves as an interface between the company and the customer, facilitating data exchange. The customer can receive care information for the coat, notifications about new collections, or exclusive offers tailored to their preferences.
  2. Continuous Data Collection: Every time the customer wears the coat and adds information in the app—such as the location where they wore it or whether they washed it—this data is added to the NFT. This data can also be anonymized to identify patterns and trends relevant to the company.
  3. Personalized Interactions: Based on the collected data, the company can provide personalized recommendations. For example, the company could suggest that the customer wear the coat under certain weather conditions or offer specific care tips to extend the product’s lifespan.
  4. Feedback and Improvement: Customers can give feedback through the app, which is then integrated into the NFT. If multiple customers suggest certain improvements, the company can use this information to adjust and optimize future products.

This integration allows for a seamless connection between the physical and digital realms.

✨ Benefits for brands and consumers ✨

For companies, this means not only gaining more insights into how their products are used but also having the opportunity to build long-term relationships with their customers.

They can use the collected data to refine their marketing strategies, improve products, and personalize customer service.

Customers benefit from a tailored experience that goes beyond mere purchase.

They have control over their data, can verify the value and authenticity of their coat at any time, and receive improved service through personalized offers and information.

Intensifying Customer Engagement

In addition to transparency, NFTs offer new opportunities to intensify customer relationships. Companies can use NFTs as the foundation for loyalty programs or exclusive memberships. The fashion company, for example, could offer additional NFTs as rewards to customers who have purchased the coat, unlocking special discounts, early access to new collections, or exclusive invitations to events. Or, customers who regularly purchase products with a low carbon footprint could collect additional NFTs that can be redeemed for free products, discounts, or other benefits. This not only strengthens engagement but also promotes environmentally conscious behavior among customers.

How you can eliminate trust issues with your customers 💚

Data ownership through NFTs marks a turning point in the way companies and customers interact. For companies, it offers the opportunity to refine their marketing strategies, personalize their offerings, and strengthen customer trust. At the same time, it opens new avenues to intensify customer relationships and foster engagement through targeted incentives. For customers, it provides the security and control they increasingly seek in the digital world, rewarding them for making sustainable choices.

At Filedgr, we have developed a solution precisely for this problem. By leveraging our digital certificates, we enable companies not only to showcase products but also to transparently and verifiably present their history and origin.

Book a discovery call now to find out how we can help you place trust and transparency at the center of your strategy, strengthening the relationship with your customers.

Be the change 🦉

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